Primed 4 College: College Financial Aid Assistance

Services for Families
School-Aged, Preteens, Teens, Young Adults, Adults

Primed 4 College is a financial aid consulting company, founded by owner Apri Medina, a 20 year veteran financial aid administrator at the University of California*, with the goal to increase transparency around the financial aid process. The largest changes in over half a century took place this year with the new FAFSA. Find out how that impacts your college financing plan and the opportunities that may await.

Below are a few of the individual services offered at Primed 4 College, but a package may be tailored according to your particular needs:

  • College financial planning and federal student aid
  • Navigating the financial aid application process, including assistance in completing forms
  • Understanding and comparing financial aid offers 

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation today! The first five customers in May will receive free consulting services (a $250 base value). Openings are limited. 

*Primed 4 College and its employees do not have any special access to the University of California (UC), nor is advice provided made to guarantee any outcome or privilege with, in, or for the UC. 

Apri Medina
primed4college [at]