Bay Language Academy: Afterschool program: Languages Arts and more

Kids' Classes, Groups, Teams & Tutors
Kinder, School-Aged

Bay Language Academy propose on-site (in Alameda) and on remote/live basis language learning classes for: Spanish, French, Arabic, English, Korean, Mandarin, Italian, Japanese, Arabic and ESL as well as art classes.

Our classes are engaging, interactive and fun. Small groups of students with individual attention. High in content and frequency. Some students are also admitted in our after school program that includes language classes and more.

Pedagogical material shared and exercises, activities and power point presentations and digital books shared with the few members of the classes.

Group of students include from Pre-K to 12 as well as adult classes (grouped by age, ability, previous level of exposure to the target language and if the language is being spoken at  home). We have 14 different sub-levels for each of the languages we teach.

Dynamic team of native speakers instructors who are dedicated, experienced, passionate and certified (holding Masters, Ph.D and/or teaching certificate).

If interested, please email: DigitalLearning [at] (DigitalLearning[at]BayLanguages[dot]com)

Dr. Essia Bouzamondo
BPN [at]